Thursday, November 13, 2008

my wellbutrin is being increased from 100 a day to 100 twice a day for a week then 150 twice a day.
she asked me if i had a passion for anything, i said i didn't know.
do i?
i suppose i havea  quiet passion, i later reconsidered and told her i did have passion.
she tried to describe me, struggling for words...she said i was the most...passionate/alive/enthusiastic something, more than my any of my sisters. she said they were more analytical.
there's this thing where the hospital trains new psychiatrists by having sitting in a room with one of them and a patient and monitor how they interact, she asked me if i'd be willing to be that patient, i agreed. i've seen some sort of psychiatrist or psychologist since i was around 7. i've been thorugh so many doctors, so many couches (not lying down mind you, it's not that cheesy) and offices, different faces, the same questions over and over. i've gone through phases where i just sit and stare silently to where i enthusiastically ask them questions about themselves, the latter has happened more recently with dr m.

0 notes:

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