Saturday, January 3, 2009

I think my dad forgot about my birthday. Either that, or he's wanting us all to believe that he doesn't give a crap or thought to it, well, he actually said he hadn't given any thought to it. Making the utmost effort to appear aloof and clueless to me at all. Still.

Thanks dad, I'll just go look at that picture of you on that day 19 years ago, you so young holding me up to your face when I was all red and ugly, you looking genuinely happy, young and baby-faced without a care in the world. Those pictures show a side of you I don't remember ever being a witness to, but they're there so I know they happened.

Happy Birthday to me tomorrow, I'm not sorry I lost your respect these past 16 years.

2 notes:

Unknown said...

one day early, happy birthday!

Siska said...

so cute!

Header image by sabrinaeras @ Flickr