Thursday, January 8, 2009

blehhh wichita kansas. i seriously want to go on a roadtrip this summer, if for no other reason than to celebrate being off a rock after 8 years and only dreaming of road trips that don't end after 3 hours when you hit water.

mom told the girls today, bekah howled. and hyperventilated. and howled crying.

it's ok now though.
well, kind of ok.

1 notes:

t*ffany said...

well i've never been to kansas so i don't know if it's sucky or not, but on the bright side, you'll be smack dab in the middle of the united states which meansssss road trips galore! seriously you could turn left and go to california or you could go right and come visit me somewhere on the east coast or you could go down to texas or up to montana geez that's pretty baller dude! :0) :0)

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