Monday, January 26, 2009

Cars likely to disappear

Also, I have these two vague aspirations that float  into my head sometimes, they're two of many but those stood out the other day as I sat doing nothing or someting, I'm not sure. In my mind they appear floating at different sides, not in any order or anything meaning there's not sort of plan or goal set.

They are moving to New York and adopting at least one child.

If I let my mind be still for just a moment and think I know I will come up with alot more, from the list I made a little while back even. But focusing hard on not thinking those remain.
For now.

1 notes:

t*ffany said...

ok. i will keep your terms in mind.
i am like 75% too.
new york is scary and busy and big, but it is where most of my aspirations fit. and i think it's somewhere i need to be, at least for a while. (besides portland oregon teeheez.)

i hope i don't ever meet you and think you're dumb and vice versa because that would stink.

Header image by sabrinaeras @ Flickr