Monday, December 22, 2008

i either consciously or subconsciously or a mixture of them both make boys i don't like, like me. why? for the attention? probably not. it ends up ticking me off when they do start liking me.
and the ones i do like? they date stupid girls. i know they're stupid from a single tiny facebook photo of one making a weird face.
stupid. she looks incredibly average and normal.
she is one of those. you know, everyone besides the we's.

and i just don't understand. of course i'll never make the first move. so i just sit, and watch boys i barely know and who are only mildy aware of my existence date and date.

they don't know what they're missing.
and i will get married to a scruffy MAN and he will say "AHA! at them you wicked losers, you missed out on manic pixie dream girl chelsea.
you guys suck, have nice life with your average girls who experience emtotions on one level always.
have fun with the ones that go to college and get nice jobs and are happy with them and the children they pop out and the default clothing of the decade."

yes. he is quite a man my husband. quite. a. man.

i have to take care of david now and watch csi, david keeps pulling his hair out and has started on his belly. he's so stressed. if it gets worse he may have to join the rest of the 5/6 of our family and go on psychiatric medications.

oh yes. and what i just did was word puke. the thing i did earlier about my dad was not word puke. it's was more...slow, and thought out. maybe like snot. only not gross, sparkly snot.


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