Monday, December 22, 2008

a blog a day keeps the blues away

Christmas shopping started and finished sans a tie today. I hate crowds and I hate shopping, this is true.
I took a long time at Borders, go figure. My dad amused himself by squealing to me about the prostitutes he thinks he sees at the in-store Starbucks. He's freaking out and making the lady next to me in the Psychology aisle giggle, yeah it's funny. I tell him to shoosh, well, I actually reach a yelling tone because he just won't stop running back and forth whispering excitedly, he then takes out his phone to take a picture. That's when I reached that yelling tone.
He finally slinks off somewhere but of course when I find him again he's still raving about how they're actually shopping in the store walking around. I told him of course, they are allowed to. I tell him he's acting like some 12 year old boy.
Finally when I'm almost done and have made my way up towards the front of the store, where those bargain paperbacks are? Oh yes. And he starts fuh-reaking out because he sees them in the checkout line and will I look over because he is not joking. I refused. I never looked their way so I have no idea if they were indeed "prostitutes" or just slutty tittas.

It was chilly the other night. 75 degrees with the low of 69. It was so nice. I wore a scarf and then later wrapped it around my head, then I took a snowy picture because I learned how to download more feature for free for photobooth.

0 notes:

Header image by sabrinaeras @ Flickr