Saturday, March 21, 2009

I haven't been writing anywhere online very much. I don't know why. Actually it is quite a bit, for some people. But very little to others. What is considered alot or a small amount almost loses its credibility in everything because every ten people or so have a different view so how do we decide what the average amount for every physical thing, activity, feeling etc. is considered "alot"?

We don't. And it doesn't matter.

I'm good with trying out new things and not feeling like I have to make a decision right now, or that I have to stick with a job for years or months because it pays well or that's what I'm "supposed" to do even if I'm miserable.
Some people can do that, some people hate their job but stay becuase it's not that big of a deal, maybe they don't have a happiness to compare to the drudgery, maybe they are not exposed to a possibility beyond that.
And some people can hate their job and know they would be happier without it but they are scared to quit, for different reasons. Or they feel like they need it, the stability and/or credibility.
And some people quit their jobs because it makes them unhappy.

It's become this thing where people hate their job, that's what you're supposed to do most of the time? How many people LOVE their job most of the time?
Yet most of these people stay.

Is it unrealistic to think that each and every person can have a job that they love? Are there that many jobs to people in this world? Or am I fooling myself thinking that we can't all have it that good.
But maybe we all could if we tried. If we didn't stay day after day, week after week just so we can have alot of money.

But there's always a decision to be considered, would you rather work a job you hate that pays well or do something you love and get little money in return?
It's all about which is more important and there isn't a right answer.

I value my well being and lazy happiness to be at a job that I hate. So I will continue my path that is not lined with walls, but footpaths I can take in any direction at any time I choose.

I do know that many times people are not faced witht he luxury of a choice, whether they have a family to support or anything else, sometimes you don't have to choice to choose which job you want and what you want to do. Sometimes you have to do what is possible and what permits you and allows you to do the best you can. But those of us who do have that chance to veer off onto whatever road we what almost anytime we want are lucky.
I think everyone deserves that, but not everyone gets it. It's not fair. Nothing really is. Okay some things are. 

Mom and I now have a secret, we did something tonight that we will tell no one about.
It was all very sneaky-like.

1 notes:

Tiffany said...

his wifey is cute! did you see taylor swift's twitter?

also: i've come to the conclusion that, for me at least, happiness > money. i don't want to hate my job and then go crazy one day because i'm not happy and then end up on a tv show like "snapped!" or something.

Header image by sabrinaeras @ Flickr