Saturday, February 28, 2009

I usually sleep like a normal person, or what I deem normal person sleep to be. Last night I slept like a rock, I vaguely remember waking up and rolling over but not taking my eye mask off. I remember my arm hurting from laying on top of it and either dreaming or thinking of dreaming about those big blue mailboxes and there was some company either directly related to them or using their image, the blue mailbox image and there was a cut-out of something, maybe in an envelope, those business envelopes that have the little clear plastic window and the address is on the letter inside and you can see it through the window.
So something to do with all of that.
And I woke up at 11:30 and was very angry with myself and I was still half asleep in the sense that I was totally out of it, not like I normally am where I'm just mad about getting up but still at the "normal" level of tiredness that you are when you wake up and you are a normal person getting normal person sleep.
After arriving in the living room I debated whether I had taken some sort of allergy medication the night before because it just wasn't normal. Then I watched Rush Limbaugh on tv and rolled my head around and get coffee and special bread.
This is where I would come to the point of the story, probably sharing the revelation that I eventually had explaining my rock-like state but it never happened and I still don't know why.
My allergies were really wicked so I did end up taking allergy medicine so now it is a combination of my leftover rock like state and Aphedrid.

I watched Rush's whole speech and when I first started I didn't like him and concluded that if her were democratic I would hate him but becuase he is on "my" side I couldn't immediately hate him.
I ended up really liking him and finished watching his speech in my room while I continued going through my ever present stack of old magazines that linger on my floor and turing them into a makeshift "scrapbook" that is really just a notebook, not even a fancy moleskin that will hold my clippings with the help of a glue stick with a neon orange, yellow and pink stripe.

I don't understnad why people make their journals works of art, I mean, do they only do that so they can show them off at online communities? If they didn't do that would they still take all the time to think of clever sentences that pertain to all of America's youth and then make a simple sketch to go along with it, then add some weird shapes, water colors and other hipster images such as feathers?
Who has the time to do that? And why? Unless to show it off to other people, I for one wouldn't take all that time to make my personal journal so intelligent and insightful when only I would see it.

My mom just used the exact line "when I was a girl" man oh man.
So in conclusion I don't know why I think Sean Penn is hot.

And also after talking to an IRS guy that I couldn't understand because he was from Slumdog Millionaire and that is not racist just a quip because I thought he was really cute I just felt bad I kept on having to make him repeat himself because I couldn't understand. My dad kept telling them they made a mistake by giving me $300 extra but they insisted that that was not right or something so I'm just keeping it becuase according to them I'm supposed to so thank you very much IRS people because now my unemployed self that has been living off the money saved from my job last summer that is almost gone because i haven't been working but has lasted a very long time becuase i really don't spend that much money, now i have a little over $1,000 in my account and I can live off of that for a whileee.
Thank you thank you thank you. I will purchase "Pushing Daisies" becuase I every day I feel more and more ridiculous for loving a show I have never seen even a scene from. And also because it has no sex in it that I've read of and that is always nice so it is a wise investment.
Kind of.

Blargh what was it that I needed at Borders...

Oh yeah Camilla Belle's Nylone cover. I bes loving her and her eyebrows. Alotlotlot.

0 notes:

Header image by sabrinaeras @ Flickr