Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm exausted. Maybe all the driving, back and forth to Sharal's house, holding Lillie, I love doing that but now that I'm home I don't want to do anything.
My eyes are burny. I just want to take another shower and get into bed. I may just do that.

Sharal, Lillie and I went to Frank's church this morning, I was worried the sermon wouldn't be a really good one or he wouldn't be as funny or engaging or real but he was all of those. Sharal liked it and I'm so glad becuase I really enjoy the services. Even though I walked around holding Lillie thorughout the entire service, she was good.
S talked to me too. It was weird, like he goes from ignoring me to making small talk and staring. Alot.

0 notes:

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